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ACEP 2014
Toxicology Answer: the Lionfish, a Dangerous, Non-Native Invader
Lionfish (Pterois species) are members of the family Scorpaenidae, which includes lionfish (Pterois), scorpionfish (Scorpaena), and stonefish…
Toxicology Question: Which Sea-Dweller Causes Skin Necrosis Upon Contact?
And, how do you treat its victims?
From Seppuku to Shanks: How To Manage Abdominal Stab Wounds
The incidence of penetrating abdominal trauma accounts for less than 10 percent of all trauma patients, with…
The Complete Guide to Childcare for Emergency Physicians
Emergency medicine requires flexibility as we work irregular shifts, nights, weekends, and holidays. Unlike the general populace,…
Case Report: The Ice Pack Test
This patient is a 52-year-old male with past medical history of hypertension and hyperlipidemia who presented to…
August 2024 News from the College
Impact Report Emphasizes How ACEP Defends You and Demands Better ACEP released its annual Impact Report in…
2024 ACEP Elections Preview: Meet the President-Elect Candidates
Each year, ACEP’s Council elects new leaders for the College at its meeting. The Council, which represents…