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ACEP 2014
Staffing an ED Appropriately and Efficiently
Having the right mix of physicians, nurses, midlevel providers, and support staff in the emergency department can…
Heavy Stuff
It has been said that no good conversation ever starts with the words, “Remember that patient you…
Acute Aortic Dissection
Acute aortic dissection is defined as the rapid development of a false, blood-filled channel within the tunica…
ENT Dilemmas—How Do I Get That Out of There?
Proficiency at removing foreign bodies is an art, and many times it’s a matter of having the…
News in Annals Of Emergency Medicine
Annals of Emergency Medicine offers in-depth news and analysis, plus investigative journalism in con-text for the informed…
Research Forum Issues Call for Abstracts
ACEP’s Research Forum is providing emergency medicine researchers with another opportunity this year to present scientific emergency…
ACEP Approves Fair Payment / Balance Billing Policies
The ACEP Board of Directors recently approved a new policy statement on fair payment and revised the…
PQRI for the Regular Guy (or Gal)
The initials “PQRI” float around in emergency department management articles, ACEP News, Scientific Assembly, and many other…