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ACEP 2014
EMS Week Launches May 17, Planners Available
Planning kits are available online for this year’s Emergency Medical Services Week, so your emergency departments can…
Spotlight on Dr. Christopher Rosko of MedjetAssist
Dr. Christopher J. Rosko, a mem-ber of ACEP’s Finance Committee, is also the medical director for MedjetAssist,…
Revised Clinical Policy: Neuroimaging and Decisionmaking in Adult Mild TBI in Acute Settings
Traumatic brain injury remains a common complaint in emergency departments, accounting for more that 1 million visits…
Ultrasound for Acute Retinal Detachment
Acute retinal detachment is a sight-threatening condition requiring urgent diagnosis and treatment. The most common type of…
Caution: The Whooping Cough Is Back
When we think of emergency physician wellness, the threat of infectious disease does not immediately come to…
Improved Survival? Not So Fast
I read with interest the article “Cardiac Arrest Centers May Improve Survival” (ACEP News, March 2009, p….
Don’t Answer That
Recently, a man was transported to my emergency department by EMS from a local convenience store. He…
Call for Essays for Longevity And Tenure Awards
The American College of Emergency Physicians wants to recognize longevity in the practice of emergency medicine. The…