From this experience, I demonstrated the leadership skills to facilitate dialogue and navigate debate when viewpoints diverge. Combined with my experience on the Council Steering Committee and having served as Chair of Reference Committee and the College Bylaws Committee, I have the proven experience to represent the Council as your voice at Board meetings. If and when differences arise, I have the expertise to bring all sides together while adhering to our governing principles. As your council officer, I commit to ensuring your voice contributes to the best outcome for our College, our members, EM residents, and our patients.
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ACEP Now: Vol 42 – No 08 – August 2023Current Professional Positions: Attending physician and Director of Compliance, Quality, and Safety
Greater Midland Emergency Physicians (GMEP), MyMichigan Health/University of Michigan Health
Internships and Residency: Emergency medicine residency, Sinai-Grace Hospital Wayne State University/Detroit Medical Center
Medical Degree: MD, St. George’s University School of Medicine
A Council Officer must possess substantial experience in moderating debate; I possess the skills necessary including the diplomatic talent and emotional and social intelligence, to not only negotiate interpersonal conflicts, but also to encourage a spirit of collaboration essential for the achievement of our shared goals. Anyone, who has successfully, and affably, chaired such excitements as Reference Committee A, as I have, has proven to be capable of advocating for all manner of issues, ranging from the esoteric to the straightforward. Moreover, there may be resolutions for which a novel or innovative way to present the background information might help to better inform the Council’s discussion (e.g., tables, graphics, hyperlinks, etc.). Greater clarity might minimize either anticipated or unexpected challenges on the Council floor.
The Council’s efficiency is paramount to navigating the challenges that may result from differing opinions. I will ensure that all opposing voices are heard, and I will also solicit opinions or considerations that may not have been previously expressed. I believe that with informed discussion, the Council would have the ability to reach a consensus, enabling it to cast a majority vote decision without having to repeatedly refer issues to the Board. The expertise of the Board should be primarily reserved for issues related to the strategic mission of the College, issues which require executive level insight and deliberations. I would also offer a friendly reminder to the Council Officers and the Board of their deliberative and strategic responsibilities to the College. Just as physicians have a fiduciary obligation to act in good faith and loyalty, not allowing their personal interests to conflict with their professional duty, so must the elected bodies of the College act in it its best interests and attempt to reach consensus whenever possible. I am invested in exploring innovative approaches to optimize the potential of the Council. We must all strive for clarity of purpose in the pursuit of growth, change, and development: I am committed to this agenda.
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