A call to join the Editorial Board for what is to be the leading new Open Access journal in the field
ACEP’s new Open Access journal, Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open (JACEP Open), seeks individuals with experience in peer review and editing to join our exciting new venture as decision editors. Editors will be fully involved in the peer review process, including the review of submitted manuscript, soliciting comments from expert peer reviewers, and helping the Editor in Chief to choose the best articles to feature in the journal.
JACEP Open will start accepting papers this fall, post papers online in January 2020, and publish its first issue in February 2020.
We seek:
- to bring together a broad range of experts in emergency care from around the world
- individuals who will further the mission of the journal, including encouraging submissions from peers internationally
- people who will be energetic and invested in the success of the journal
Please join our Editor in Chief, Dr. Henry Wang, in blazing this exciting trail. Send your CV and a letter of interest to Martha Villagomez, no later than August 1st, 2019.
Become a Peer Reviewer for JACEP Open
Reviewers are critical to the publishing process, helping to shape the credibility and
reputation of the journal through evaluation of the quality, relevance, and merit of submitted papers. JACEP Open is seeking peer reviewers for a range of expertise in emergency medicine to ensure the journal is presenting novel, sound research that will positively impact the field.
Reviewer benefits include:
- Professional service that may aid in promotion and tenure decisions.
- National and international visibility among academics, administrators, and higher education scholars.
- Opportunity to serve with an editorial board consisting of national and international scholars.
- Recognition for peer review contributions through Publons.
Reviewer commitments are:
- Agree to return manuscripts in a timely manner, typically within two weeks time;
- Agree not to distribute manuscripts under review or to disclose information within the manuscript;
- Agree to review the first revision of a manuscript for which he/she provided the initial review.
If interested in serving as a reviewer, please email Martha Villagomez, and include with your message the following attachments in Microsoft Word or PDF:
- Current electronic resume or curriculum vitae
- List of areas of expertise/focus that will help assign appropriate articles
to reviewers - Brief statement outlining previous peer review/editing experience and
why you are interested in reviewing for JACEP Open.
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2 Responses to “Call for Applications: JACEP Open Editorial Board and Reviewers”
February 2, 2020
Prof. Dr Somville F., MD, Phds, FNYAS, FESTESWhat impact factor you think wiil come out in the next month for the JACEP ?
February 14, 2020
Dr. Henry Wang, JACEP Open Editor in ChiefJACEP Open is off to a fantastic start. We expect to be Medline indexed by early 2021, and to obtain an Impact Factor in 2022-2023.
However, since JACEP Open is open access, authors’ works will be freely accessible to the entire world as soon as it goes on-line. A motivated author can potentially see his/her paper progress from submission to publication on-line in as little as 8 weeks.