My follow-up conversation with the cardiothoracic surgeon noted normal cardiac output via right heart catheterization and normal left ventricular function on echocardiogram. The patient lived and had normal LVAD function for the next seven days but unfortunately did not regain consciousness. Eventually, care was withdrawn.
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ACEP Now: Vol 37 – No 01 – January 2018The case illustrates a rare complication of an accidental disruption of the external driveline of an LVAD resulting in cardiac arrest and a creative bedside solution. To date, this is the only known case of rewiring of an LVAD driveline.
Dr. Resnick is an emergency physician at Yavapai Regional Medical Center in Prescott, Arizona.
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3 Responses to “Emergency Physician Solves Malfunctioning LVAD with Electrician Skills”
January 17, 2018
Mark BuettnerWow!
January 20, 2018
akpAnd I thought orthopods were the only docs who used home depot tools on patients. way to go Dr Resnick!
January 25, 2018
Robert KormosSo we have had over 25 years of support from our clinical Biomedical Engineering group that provide round the clock coverage 365 days a year for our LVAD patients. Besides helping with LVAD patient and hospital staff training they have done exactly what is described in this article by repairing urgently a severed drive-line for a patient saving his life. This service is provided by our own in-system company called Procirca.