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ACEP Now: Vol 38 – No 10 – October 2019Lane Patten, MD, FACEP
Lane Patten, MD, FACEP, an emergency physician at North Memorial Health in Minneapolis, started a food blog with fellow emergency physician Holly Schrupp Berg, MD, when she was struggling with burnout and needed a creative outlet. The two physicians love that the blog furthers their mission to help people “form connections over food.” Dr. Patten concedes that the stakes are much lower in the kitchen than in her level 1 trauma center: “We mess up a batch of cookies—no big deal!”
Frederick Blum, MD, FACEP
Frederick Blum, MD, FACEP, professor in the department of emergency medicine at West Virginia University in Morgantown, calls himself a “Renaissance hillbilly” because of his wide variety of hobbies. He’s an avid photographer and oil painter, and he also writes poetry and practices archery. Dr. Blum learned and competed in archery as a child, and these days, it helps him relax and wind down: “Archery is a form of meditation for me.” He likes to teach archery to children at summer camps.
Melissa Kohn, MD, FACEP
Melissa Kohn, MD, FACEP, an emergency physician and clerkship director for EMS resident education at Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia and medical director for the Broad St. Run, started running to clear her head and spend more time outdoors. She’s running the New York City Marathon this November as part of her goal of running a half marathon in all 50 states. Her toughest race ever? The Nike Women’s Half in San Francisco. “The hills were brutal!”
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