Figure 6: Summary of the views and main clinical applications of the four core resuscitative TEE views. Additional views can be used on a case-by-case basis to answer questions and guide management in specific clinical scenarios. Some of these views include mid-esophageal 2C (ME 2C), mid-esophageal aortic valve and ascending aorta short and long axis (ME AV SAX, ME ascending aorta SAX/LAX), right ventricular inflow-outflow (ME RV I-O), descending thoracic aorta (DTA SAX and LAX), and deep transgastric 5 chamber (Deep TG 5C). A full protocol including additional resuscitative TEE views can be found at
Figure 6: Summary of the views and main clinical applications of the four core resuscitative TEE views. Additional views can be used on a case-by-case basis to answer questions and guide management in specific clinical scenarios. Some of these views include mid-esophageal 2C (ME 2C), mid-esophageal aortic valve and ascending aorta short and long axis (ME AV SAX, ME ascending aorta SAX/LAX), right ventricular inflow-outflow (ME RV I-O), descending thoracic aorta (DTA SAX and LAX), and deep transgastric 5 chamber (Deep TG 5C). A full protocol including additional resuscitative TEE views can be found at
By Joseph Harrington
on July 19, 2020
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