What is NEMPAC?
NEMPAC is a critical tool to help ACEP promote our legislative goals and express the concerns of emergency medicine to members of Congress. It is the financial vehicle through which ACEP members can support the election or reelection of federal candidates who share their commitment to emergency medicine. NEMPAC pools smaller donations from individual ACEP members, donating them in one larger and more impressive contribution on behalf of the entire profession.
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ACEP Now: Vol 35 – No 05 – May 2016Under federal law, associations may establish and administer separate segregated funds known as political action committees (PACs) to pool the voluntary contributions of their members. PACs are a legal, transparent, federally monitored means of contributing to candidates. Today, there are more than 4,000 federally registered PACs in the United States.
Why is NEMPAC important to ACEP and to its members?
NEMPAC’s growth in size and presence in Washington, D.C., is increasingly important as Congress continues to address many issues facing emergency medicine such as Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement; medical liability reform; implementation and/or revisions to the Affordable Care Act; and funding for graduate medical education, trauma care, and EM research, just to name a few. Elected officials are frequently asked to make decisions between competing interests. We must be prepared to support legislators and candidates who understand and advocate for emergency medicine issues.
How does NEMPAC spend the money it receives from contributors?
All personal contributions received from ACEP members to NEMPAC are considered “hard dollars.” NEMPAC uses these hard dollars only for the purpose of making political contributions to US Senate and House candidates, national parties, and other PACs sponsored by federal legislators. NEMPAC does not donate to presidential candidates or to candidates for state or local office.
How does NEMPAC pay for administrative expenses?
NEMPAC uses a combination of ACEP general operating funds and corporate contributions donated to NEMPAC known as “soft dollars.”
Who decides which candidates receive NEMPAC donations?
NEMPAC donors do. The NEMPAC Board of Trustees, composed of ACEP members, approves a candidate budget for each election cycle. Evaluation criteria are based on the candidate’s or member’s support of ACEP’s legislative priorities. Other factors considered include the member’s committee assignment, leadership position, and difficulty of the election campaign. We also rely on the input of ACEP state chapter leadership, individual 911 Network members, and NEMPAC supporters when evaluating open-seat and challenger races.
How can I personally contribute to NEMPAC?
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