Industry-sponsored satellite symposia are educational, and some offer CME credit. This program is not a part of the official ACEP18 education program as planned by ACEP’s educational meetings committee.
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ACEP18 Monday Daily NewsThe Metabolic Crises: Meeting the Challenge and Winning!
Grantor: Recordati Rare Diseases and Horizon Pharma
Monday, 6–8 a.m.
Grand Hall A, Lobby, Manchester Grand Hyatt
Genetic metabolic diseases, rare disorders with a wide variety of clinical phenotypes, are commonly associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Patients with acute and acute-on-chronic presentations show up in pediatric and adult emergency departments, often in life-threatening circumstances. In some pediatric cases, the diagnoses are already known because the patients have been identified through the newborn screening process or by a specialist. However, most metabolic diseases are not included in the newborn screening panel, and the diagnosis is usually missed or unknown in late-onset cases. Unfortunately, the reality is that teaching about inborn errors of metabolism is very inadequate in the vast majority of medical schools and postgraduate training programs, including emergency medicine. And yet, readily available and often simple testing can identify those patients at highest risk for having a metabolic disease. Also, there exists a wide range of lifesaving treatment approaches that, when implemented early in a suspected “metabolic crisis,” can often lead to a successful clinical outcome. This is true for metabolic diseases that cause such symptoms as encephalopathy, pain, and rhabdomyolysis, among others.
This symposium provides emergency medicine clinicians with a practical approach to identify recognizable pediatric and adult metabolic conditions, as well as guidelines for administering first-line treatment that can be lifesaving. The interactive nature of the workshop provides the opportunity to apply learned principles to real patient cases.
For program objectives, accreditation, and credit designation statements, please check the onsite program or the ACEP18 mobile app.
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