ACEP recently met with the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) to discuss the issues around the Sepsis-3 definitions of sepsis and the difficulties some emergency physicians are having with reimbursement and meeting quality measures. Many components of the Sepsis-3 definitions require laboratory values or time (response to fluids). Studies have shown that the Sepsis-3 definitions are not accurate in the emergency department, and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services does not use Sepsis-3. ACEP has sent letters to the insurance companies that have used Sepsis-3 in denials. SCCM provided some language for that letter but declined to sign it with ACEP.
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ACEP Now: Vol 38 – No 04 – April 2019ACEP and SCCM also discussed the one-hour bundle. ACEP is working on a new guideline for early emergency care for septic patients. ACEP and SCCM agreed to look at joint research projects that would concentrate on early care of sepsis.
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