Interesting article but not really applicable to ems. We dont get to choose where the resuscitation wffort happens. Could be in a mall, lounge, bedroom or anywhere really. We dont have a spare chaperone handy. Whether telatives whitness the resus is often left up to them. Some do and some choose not to
2 Responses to “Should Families Watch CPR in the Emergency Department?”
June 23, 2015
MarkInteresting article but not really applicable to ems. We dont get to choose where the resuscitation wffort happens. Could be in a mall, lounge, bedroom or anywhere really. We dont have a spare chaperone handy. Whether telatives whitness the resus is often left up to them. Some do and some choose not to
July 12, 2015
Ken MilneCovered this issue on the Skeptics’ Guide to Emergency Medicine Episode#59 Can I Get A Witness