The Emergency Medicine Practice Research Network (EMPRN) is the first emergency care practice-based research network developed by emergency physicians for emergency physicians. Survey questions are posed to 800 physician members (73 percent male, 28 percent female) and can come from researchers, clinicians, ACEP committees, federal agencies, foundations, and industry. To date, a total of 16 EMPRN surveys have been conducted with average response rates ranging from 25 to 50 percent. As shown in the following figures, participating physicians reflect the diversity of practice and culture within our specialty.
Not only are EMPRN surveys a source of presentation and publication worthy data (see Table 1), they also provide a critical mechanism to gather timely information on emergency physician perspectives related to topics including medicolegal participation, stress relief habits, and natural disaster preparedness. As the only existing resource to provide such insight, EMPRN provides clear value to the emergency medicine community, as well as those interested in better understanding the acute care landscape.
Table 1: EMPRN Publications to Date
Title | Author(s) | Year | Publication |
EMPRN Surveys Emergency Physicians on Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis | Schneider S. | 2017 | ACEP Now |
Survey of Emergency Physician Approaches to Management of Asymptomatic Hypertension | Brody A, Twiner M, Kumar V, et al. | 2017 | The Journal of Clinical Hypertension |
National Survey of Emergency Physicians Concerning Home-Based Care Options as Alternatives to Emergency Department–Based Hospital Admissions | Stuck AR, Crowley C, Killeen J, et al. | 2017 | The Journal of Emergency Medicine |
National Survey of Emergency Physicians Concerning Home-Based Care Options as Alternatives to Emergency Department–Based Hospital Admissions | Stuck AR, Crowley C, Killeen J, et al. | 2016 | The Annals of Emergency Medicine |
Barriers to Emergency Physician Diagnosis and Treatment of Uncontrolled Chronic Hypertension | Brody AM, Sharma VK, Singh A, et al. | 2016 | The American Journal of Emergency Medicine |
Do you have five minutes to help our specialty? If so, please consider becoming a member of EMPRN. Becoming a member is simple—just go to the EMPRN site and click the “Join” link. Signing up is easy, and it will provide ACEP with essential information for our advocacy in Washington, D.C., and improving emergency care. To stay a member, just agree that you will complete three or four surveys a year, each of which will take just a few minutes of your time. Your colleagues and patients will be grateful for your efforts!
For information on submitting a survey to EMPRN, please contact Sam Shahid at
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