You might not be able to learn much about shooting free throws from the example of Shaquille O’Neal, but you can certainly learn a lot about properly managing your finances. Educate yourself about personal finance, investing, business, and taxes by regularly doing CFE. Convert your high income into wealth by carving out a portion and dedicating it to wealth-building pursuits. Minimizing financial worries will enable you to better care for your patients, your family, and yourself. As Dr. Shaq says, “It’s not about how much money you make. The question is, ‘Are you educated enough to keep it?’”
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ACEP Now: Vol 33 – No 08 – August 2014Dr. Dahle is the author of The White Coat Investor: A Doctor’s Guide to Personal Finance and Investing and blogs at He is not a licensed financial adviser, accountant, or attorney and recommends you consult with your own advisers prior to acting on any information you read here.
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