Dr. Giwa is associate professor of emergency medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. He is the founding Chair of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine’s Ethics Committee, and a former member of the ACEP Ethics Committee.
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ACEP Now: Vol 39 – No 09 – September 2020Pages: 1 2 | Single Page
2 Responses to “To All People Staying Neutral About Black Lives Matter”
September 27, 2020
JONASEven within our field there are unspoken biases. When evaluating patients in Alaska, they would ask “Doc you have an accent were are you from? When I answer their response mostly is ” so you migrated from Puerto Rico.” But once I reassure them of my training and they witnessed my competency I can almost hear their thoughts “he is one of those good migrants we should allow in.” I have gotten used to this little song and dance. However after more than 20 years of practice it does not make it right to be required of me to still perform this song and dance to be validated in the eyes of my patients. Bias and racism and micro aggressions come in all sort of shape and forms. We best start in ackwlidging our own and from there learn how to accept others. Thanks Dr Giwa for such an insightful article.
October 5, 2020
bdMDDr. Giwa,
Thank you. Your words are a bridge from one side to the other, so hopefully there are eventually no sides.