A couple of years ago, ACEP created the Acute Unscheduled Care Model (AUCM), a Medicare Alternative Payment Model (APM) specifically designed for emergency physicians. Currently, individual emergency physicians and EM groups are unable to directly participate in “Advanced APMs.” The AUCM has been endorsed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services but not yet implemented by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
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ACEP Now: Vol 39 – No 03 – March 2020As ACEP waits to see how CMS may implement the AUCM in Medicare, we are simultaneously pursuing model implementation by other payers, including Medicaid and private payers. We’re providing information and resources to emergency medicine groups, state Medicaid agencies, private payers, and other stakeholders about how to structure and participate in emergency medicine–focused APMs that use the AUCM as a framework. Visit APM to learn more about the payment model and its potential to improve care and reduce costs.
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