Physicians have varying beliefs on patients researching treatments online. Some are in favor of having patients try to self-diagnose via Dr. Google. If all patients used logic and reason, this might seem like a valid approach. However, this approach creates unnecessary panic. A little bit of knowledge can be dangerous.
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ACEP News: Vol 32 – No 06 – June 2013My partner took care of a wonderful elderly female patient with abdominal pain. Her husband, however, had researched her symptoms and wanted to be sure that we were doing the right thing.
Partner: “We evaluated you for several causes of your abdominal pain.”
Husband: “Have you ruled out ectopic?”
Partner: “Ectopic?”
Husband: “Yes.”
Partner: “She is 68 years old.”
Husband: “And?”
Partner: “And she had a complete hysterectomy.”
Husband: “And?”
Partner: “And … yes, we ruled out ectopic pregnancy.”
Husband: “Good.”
At least he had an actual medical complaint he was concerned about.
I had a young gentleman who had globus hystericus. He received some Ativan and felt completely better. However, when he arrived at home, he went to the ultimate source for medical answers, Yahoo Answers.
This is a fine site where you can pose any question and the public as a whole will respond to your questions. After searching online for a few hours, he came back. I was still working and saw him again. He showed me on his phone (somewhat smugly) that I was supposed to give him Xanax because this is what someone received on Yahoo Answers. I asked if he currently had any symptoms, which he did not, and told him to have a wonderful day.
Unfortunately, this may be one of the many times where we in health care have learned helplessness. Is acceptance of the illogical the best option for our own sanity? Maybe. Though the other option of embracing the crazy certainly seems fun as well. At least that’s what the Chupacabra told me.
Dr. Brandt is an emergency physician for GREMG in Grand Rapids, Mich. Please send questions/comments to
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