Genevra “Gevvie” Stone, MD, was working at a summer camp when she realized emergency medicine was the…
Founded in 1972 by ACEP, the mission of the Emergency Medicine Foundation (EMF) is to fund science…
At the hospital’s monthly interdisciplinary meeting, a lively discussion takes place: Is there an optimal pathway for…
ACEP Now recently talked with Rade Vukmir, MD, JD, FACEP, Chair of the ACEP Medical-Legal Committee, and…
The Case A 36-year-old woman presented to the emergency department for generalized weakness. The patient stated that…
During a busy ED shift, you are called to the resuscitation bay to evaluate an 86-year-old woman…
Since its launch in 1972, the Emergency Medicine Foundation (EMF) has awarded grants totaling more than $17…
Thank you for entrusting me with the mantle of Medical Editor in Chief of the “Official Voice…
Diplopia, colloquially referred to as “double vision,” is a challenging chief complaint in the emergency department. The…
Emergency physicians are proficient in recognizing and caring for the dying medical or trauma patient but often…