National Junior Faculty Teaching Award Anne Messman, MD, FACEPMichigan Chapter Joan Noelker, MDMissouri Chapter Adriana Olson, MDTexas…
Topics included our Geriatric ED Accreditation program, freestanding emergency departments, suicide screening, and pediatric readiness. The Joint…
Two pieces of opioid legislation—the POWER Act and the ALTO Act—that ACEP developed and introduced to Congress have successfully passed…
At the 2018 American Medical Association (AMA) Annual Meeting, ACEP member Stephen K. Epstein, MD, MPP, FACEP…
ACEP Board of Directors member Jon Mark Hirshon, MD, PhD, MPH, has been appointed to the Emergency…
ACEP and the American Hospital Association (AHA) met May 22, 2018. Discussion included: Resilience and Well-Being: Jay…
ACEP hosted a multidisciplinary group of health care providers who perform unscheduled sedation to create a set…
Prior to the June Board of Directors meeting at ACEP Headquarters, ACEP President-Elect, John Rogers, MD, FACEP,…
Celebrate the depth and diversity of emergency medicine with ACEP‘s poignant new anniversary book Bring ’Em All:…
Debra Perina, MD, FACEP (left), and Jeffrey Goodloe, MD, FACEP, hold up a signed copy of HR…