An ACEP-supported amendment that extends federal tort protections to emergency physicians was included in a comprehensive medical…
Survey revealed that many members are unaware of ACEP’s medical-legal resources and activities. Introduction and Methods During…
Members interested in serving on an ACEP committee or task force can now submit their interest forms…
The Boy Scouts of America are hoping to recruit approximately 100 emergency physician volunteers for the 2013…
The Affordable Care Act of 2010 was a game-changer. So to aggressively advocate for the interests of…
Hello and welcome to an exciting new column for emergency ultrasound education, to start in the June…
Medicaid and the prudent layperson standard are under unprecedented attacks in states across the country, and ACEP…
Prepare for Decision 2012 and attend this year’s ACEP Leadership and Advocacy Conference, May 20-23, in Washington,…
ACEP has 32 Sections of Membership, each with a unique special interest or focus of emergency medicine….