Editor’s Note: This letter is in response to May’s Skeptics’ Guide to Emergency Medicine column, “Lidocaine for Renal…
It was surprising to receive an email advising me that I had appeared on the front page…
A few months ago, possibly while you weren’t looking, the debate regarding the utility of tissue plasminogen…
In our April issue, we published “Time to Expand Stroke Treatment Window?: Pushing the Envelope for Mechanical…
Will increasing access to health insurance decrease ED utilization by increasing access to primary care providers (PCPs)?…
I would like to thank Dr. Bier for writing the article “Cannabis: An Old Medicine Without a…
Dr. Gaddis, Thank you for your response (August 2017) to our review article entitled “Benzos and Chill,”…
The Case A 32-year-old female with anxiety and recent bimalleolar ankle fracture presents requesting help with her…
I was disappointed by the one-sided argument published in ACEP Now’s May 2017 article “Experiencing the Dangers…
Dr. Radecki’s article on steroids in sore throat is too quick to accept the study he cites…