If anything can be counted on to be constant in this world, it is change. Stacks upon...
I am a board-certified emergency physician licensed to practice medicine in Oregon since 2001. I am a...
Nothing is more concerning to parents and emergency health care providers than a serious illness that primarily...
Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) in children is a rapidly growing public health concern that impacts the...
Part 1 of the history of sepsis appeared in the November issue. ED-Centric Treatment Prior to 2000,...
The 2019 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule was released Nov. 1, 2018, with generally good news for emergency...
The Case A 69-year-old male presents to the emergency department for evaluation of diplopia. Three days prior,...
Sexual harassment has become a common theme in news headlines, between the #MeToo movement bringing the prevalence...
Q. My friends say I should invest in mutual funds, but I don’t really understand what a...
Fads come and go. However, in the world of free open access medical education (#FOAMed), some favorite...
ACEP, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Emergency Nurses Association have published the updated guidelines, “Pediatric Readiness in...
Gerard R. Cox, MD, MHA, FACEP, has been appointed deputy under secretary for health in the U.S....
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has released its Final Rule laying out changes to Medicare...
The National Emergency Medicine Political Action Committee (NEMPAC) supported 227 candidates (200 House and 27 Senate) during...
ACEP submitted a detailed response to the Senate Bipartisan Price Transparency Workgroup regarding its draft legislation on...
ACEP responded to a new Harvard Pilgrim Health Care policy that will be implemented in New Hampshire...
ACEP’s Pawan Goyal, MD, MHA; Sandy Schneider, MD, FACEP; Cynthia Singh, MS; and several other leaders met...
Over the last year, ACEP’s strong federal advocacy efforts have been rewarded with numerous, and significant, legislative...
They say there’s no such thing as bad publicity, but public relations directors know that promoting an...
I would like to say congratulations on our 50th birthday. I have not been an ACEP member...
Dear Emergency Room Personnel, My name is Ron E., and I am an alcoholic. I am also...
Question Is Mario’s toxic shroom harmful in reality? Click here for the answer.
Click here for question. Answer: Mario was right! A. Muscaria are toxic and hallucinogenic. The Amanita muscaria...
ACEP Now: Vol 43 – No 12 – December 2024
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