As COVID-19 cases continued to escalate in the United States in April 2020, Richard M. Levitan, MD,…
ACEP’s Conversations with Industry initiative is a new way for ACEP members to learn about industry products,…
I have long questioned the utility of airway algorithms and their relevance to emergency airways. This notion…
There’s a big difference between patients who are mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is, by…
My first response on being asked to write an article on the progression of emergency airway management…
Procedural sedation and emergency airway management are recognized risks to patient safety. Sedation, induction agents, and muscle…
It was a simple idea that actually has a long-standing history in medicine: Oxygen insufflated into the…
The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) appointed a task force in 2013 to prepare recommendations regarding…
Curved blade laryngoscopy, whether with a conventional direct blade or video laryngoscope (with a Macintosh design or…
Residents learning neonatal endotracheal intubation (ETI) had higher success rates but longer duration to successful intubation with…