Sitting in a hogan, warming ourselves by the fire, Stephen Begay told me a story about his…
When I was a resident, it was impossible to find paracentesis kits in our department. What we…
There is a shortage of doctors providing primary care in the United States. No matter how you…
I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn….
Presented at Scientific Asembly, Denver, Colo. Michael L. Carius, M.D. John G. Wiegenstein Leadership Award Dr. Carius…
Revise position on short courses. Recently the ACEP board of directors approved a policy statement denouncing the…
I love RBTs. They are awesome. What are RBTs, you ask? OK, OK. Explanation forthcoming. It’s tough…
The American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) and the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) will administer the…
Emergency medicine clinicians engaged in research are not often aware of many fundamental principles in conducting and…
I have come to think that the Fat Man was right. And Jo, possibly, was an idiot….