Can health reporting in the popular press get any worse? Every time I think it has reached…
“Any feedback for me?” Shelly, my resident, is wrapping up a successful intern year in the emergency…
Introduction Food allergy is a serious and potentially life-threatening health issue that appears to be increasing in…
With today’s wild and woolly job market, emergency physician candidates are experiencing an unprecedented variety of items…
Guidelines for tPA – An alternate view Just as there is division in our specialty regarding tPA…
As an emergency physician 8 years post residency, I resigned my position as emergency medicine attending to…
There exists a common misconception that both the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the…
From the EM Model: 1.0 Signs, Symptoms, and Presentations. 1.1 General As the population ages and an…
Having grown up in a world without personal computers or the Internet, I am endlessly fascinated by…
A year ago I published my first article in ACEP News. Titled, “Change From Below,” the article…
“Any feedback for me?” Shelly, my resident, is wrapping up a successful intern year in the emergency…