Anthem Blue Cross has announced that beginning January 2016, the plan will begin a prepayment review of…
Emergency physicians and emergency department leaders face an important time in determining how to serve the needs…
There are dueling laments between what could be called “the stroke industrial complex” and the physicians on…
The hardest part of change is being convinced of its need. Patient satisfaction (experience of care) is…
In 2010, Joe Heck, DO, FACEP, became the first emergency physician elected to the U.S. Congress. He…
We just learned lessons about our preparedness (or lack thereof) in detecting and managing one virus in…
It’s the political season again, and we’re talking about liberty, freedom, and responsibility in public. It doesn’t…
The evidence is in. We need more women emergency physicians. There is a marked gender discrepancy in…
Editor’s Note: We received many responses to January’s A New Spin article, “What’s on My Mind: Should…
Part of ACEP’s power as an advocate for emergency medicine comes from the strength and cooperation of…