Scenario 1: Mr. Smith is a 42-year-old male who has come to the ED because he is…
As a practicing, board-certified emergency physician, I wanted to respond to the recent May 2014 issue in…
UPDATE: Psych Boarding Ruled Unlawful in Washington State Stephen Anderson, MD, fully felt the impact of emergency…
With fewer places left to turn, patients in need of mental health services are increasingly flocking to…
The availability of inpatient psychiatric care has worsened significantly and progressively over the past four years on…
The FDA’s approval of the hydrocodone drug Zohydro ER has been met with criticism from health care…
Despite the United States encompassing just 5 percent of the world’s population, it accounts for 84 percent…
Whether you buy into a Food and Drug Administration conspiracy theory or not, there are many problems…
Women are killed by intimate partners more often than by any other type of perpetrator. One in…
You are considering your next steps in management when you hear the BP cuff cycle…64/34…repeat…61/30…Heart rate now…