Catch up on some of emergency medicine’s best tweets and learn to pack a punch into 140…
Medication reminders, motivational and healthy-living tips sent by physicians through TExT-MED mobile health messaging program helped diabetics…
Send us your thoughts, questions, and gripes. We’re here to listen! When all the charts are out…
ACEP’s annual conference, ACEP13, is just around the corner. Are you going? If so, you will see…
When Twitter initially launched I was largely skeptical on how it could be utilized in medicine. Initially…
As Anton Chekhov wrote, “One must not put a loaded rifle on the stage if no one…
Having grown up in a world without personal computers or the Internet, I am endlessly fascinated by…
I was waiting for it. The staredown. The showdown. It was me or the machine. “Lisa ……
Medical Conversations are on Twitter, not Facebook, and That’s Good
When Twitter initially launched I was largely skeptical on how it could be utilized in medicine. Initially…