We don’t drive the social media train at ACEP14—you do. How was that session? What’s coming up…
Thank you for the “Text Rx” article that appeared in the March 2014 issue of ACEP Now….
Medication reminders, motivational and healthy-living tips sent by physicians through TExT-MED mobile health messaging program helped diabetics…
Each of ACEP’s 32 Sections held meetings at the 2012 Scientific Assembly in Denver. Here’s a recap…
After considerable debate, the ACEP Council voted this month to refrain from participation in the national “Choosing…
By virtue of its prominence at the beginning of the cycle of care, emergency medicine will likely…
ACEP has 31 sections of Membership, each with a unique special interest or focus of emergency medicine….
Emergency medicine will see a very small decrease in our overall RVU values On Nov. 1, 2011,…